Circular 25 - Procurement: Verification of Vendor Debarment Federal Funds The attached circular provides information for the clarification of the HCPSS Procurement Manual...
Circular 23 - Policy Updates:1020, 1025, 2010, 6010, 6020, 8120 The attached circular contains the Board of Education adopted modifications to the following...
Circular 22 - Policy Updates - 6010; 8010; 8020; 8100; 9090 The attached circular contains the Board of Education adopted modifications to the following...
Circular 21 - Voluntary Transfer Request Process The attached circular provides instructions and links for the Voluntary Transfer Request Process...
Circular 20 - Late School Openings/Early School Closings 2021-2022 The attached circular contains a chart that identifies details associated with late school openings...
Circular 19 - School Bus Accident Emergency Procedure Plan The attached circular identifies emergency procedures to be implemented in the event of a school bus...
Circular 18 - Policy Updates - 3050; 8010 The attached circular provides modifications to the following policies: Policy 3050 - Records...
Circular 17 - Guidelines for Outside Recess, Outdoor Eating, Physical Education, and Other Outdoor Activities The attached circular contains guidelines for outside recess, outdoor eating, physical education...
Circular 16 - December Substitute Usage The attached circular provides information regarding December substitute usage.
Circular 14 - School-Based Administrator Request Process The enclosed circular gives information on how to establish a process by which requests are made by...