Reminder: Beware of phishing attacks!

! WARNING ! To trick people into responding to phishing emails, scammers sometimes use publicly available information to send emails to employees using a fraudulent external email account, such as or, using their supervisor’s name. 

To help staff identify all emails from external sources, messages sent from non-HCPSS accounts will have:

  • Subject lines beginning with [External]
  • A “! CAUTION” message highlighted in yellow at the top of the email. 

Staff should not respond to emails suspected to be fraudulent, and instead reach out to people using a verified email address or another verified communication method.  

Learn more about phishing attacks on the Technology Support Canvas community. 

If you suspect an email to be fraudulent, do not proceed with the directions provided in the email. Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at