
Lightspeed Classroom Updates

Lightspeed has launched a new Class Highlights feature. Class Highlights will appear minutes after the class session has ended. In the new Class Highlights tab, teachers will see the following: 

  • Most accessed sites: Top accessed sites that class session, if they’re an educational site, and the number of students who accessed it. Helps teachers understand key tools or resources their class is engaged with.
  • Most accessed non-educational sites: Top accessed sites that class session that were specifically non-educational. Helps teachers identify potential distractions or determine if these sites were used appropriately.
  • Class insights: Predetermined prompts that teachers can select to get AI-generated insights about class engagement to inform how teachers can improve learning effectiveness.
    • Prompt 1: Help me understand when my students are most and least engaged during class.
    • Prompt 2: Help me identify websites that should be added to my block list to minimize distractions.
    • Prompt 3: Help me identify off-task students who might need extra support to stay on-task based on their browsing habits.


  • AI Interpretation: Remember that AI interprets the data and does not have full visibility into classroom dynamics. Teachers should use professional judgement along with classroom observations to verify and confirm the AI-generated insights.
  • Data Privacy: The AI tool cannot access students' personally identifiable information (PII). To ensure student privacy, the analysis is based solely on anonymized data.


Lightroom Class Highlights update sample screenshot

HCPSS Class of 2025 Graduation Dates Set

The HCPSS Class of 2025 graduation ceremony schedule is now available and listed below.

All ceremonies are scheduled to take place at Merriweather Post Pavilion, with the exception of Cedar Lane School, which will be held at that school. Graduations will be available for viewing live online and on-demand following each ceremony, and will be rebroadcast on the HCPSS local cable channel in Howard County (Comcast 95, Verizon 42).

The last day for all seniors will be Tuesday, May 20.

Additional graduation-related details are available online.

The schedule of graduation ceremonies is as follows:

Wednesday, May 21

  • 10:00 a.m., Cedar Lane (at Cedar Lane School)
  • 3:00 p.m., Wilde Lake High School

Thursday, May 22

  • 11:00 a.m., Oakland Mills High School
  • 3:00 p.m., River Hill High School
  • 7:00 p.m., Long Reach High School

Tuesday, May 27

  • 3:00 p.m., Hammond High School
  • 7:00 p.m., Reservoir High School

Wednesday, May 28

  • 11:00 a.m., Mt. Hebron High School
  • 3:00 p.m., Centennial High School
  • 7:00 p.m., Howard High School

Thursday, May 29

  • 11:00 a.m., Atholton High School
  • 3:00 p.m., Glenelg High School
  • 7:00 p.m., Marriotts Ridge High School

2025 National Board Certification Full Scholarship & Information Sessions

HCPSS is committed to providing all educators with the access and opportunity to pursue National Board Certification and receive the best support in the nation from HCPSS National Board Certified teacher leaders. Educators who will be tenured as of July 2025 are encouraged to attend an upcoming 2025 National Board Certification Scholarship & Information session (see attached). Attendees will learn more about the National Board Certification process, how to receive a full candidacy scholarship, and an exciting Towson post-baccalaureate certificate opportunity aligned with the work of NBC that also fulfills requirements toward a master's degree.

RSVP Today!

Login with your HCPSS credentials to RSVP for an upcoming virtual information session. Remaining sessions will be offered April 2, 28 and 30.

Did You Know?

  • National Board Certification achievement is the highest national certification for teachers and recognizes and rewards highly accomplished teaching (highly valued in HCPSS and across the country).
  • Studies show the substantial impact NBCTs have on their students and the process is cited as the “single best” professional learning experience many HCPSS teachers have ever experienced (with real results!).
  • Teacher Candidates receive 3 CPD credits (45 hours) for completing the process and an additional 3 CPD credits (45 hours) when they achieve (which satisfies MSDE licensure hour expectations for a recertification cycle).
  • Eligible teachers receive an income adjustment upon achievement- $10,000 - $17,000.
  • A partnership between HCPSS and MSDE and scholarship process pays for the entire cost of submission.
  • The NBC process builds artifacts towards the HCPSS Teacher Evaluation process.
  • HCPSS has the best support program in the state to help you through the process along with many leadership opportunities upon achievement.

Email Jennifer Hlavka with any questions and join the HCPSS NBC Canvas community to stay connected!

Get to Know Tony Esposito, Principal, Swansfield Elementary School

The HCPSS Get To Know series was created to help staff learn more about system leaders in schools and offices with whom they may not typically interact. HCPSS leaders answer a mix of personal and professional questions in an effort to let all employees get to know them better. Please use this form to nominate an HCPSS leader to be featured in the series.

Photo alt text: background photo of a generic classroom. over that photo is a white box with text stating, Get to Know Tony Esposito, Principal, Swansfield Elementary School. Also in the box is a photo of Tony Esposito and the Swansfield mascot.

Why did you choose to work in education?
I am the oldest of seven children born to teen parents. My mom always wanted to be a teacher but due to adversity in her life, this dream was never possible. She would often share with my siblings and I that education was our "ticket" to a better life and endless possibilities. In high school I knew that a life in education was my dream as well, so I pursued this path in college. My goal each day both as a teacher and as an administrator was and continues to be to ensure that my students look forward to coming to school each day.

What is the best professional advice you've ever received?
I would often seek out leadership opportunities early in my career. A mentor of mine shared that the best way to be recognized and offered leadership opportunities is to be the best teacher you can possibly be. He elaborated by sharing that rather than looking for the next opportunity, love what you do each day, give it your all, and the rest will take care of itself. 

What is something you like a lot that would surprise people?
At one point I had the goal of running a marathon in every state. I was able to check off many states prior to having a family of my own but things slowed a bit once my wife and I began having children. To date, I have run 24 marathons, five 50k races, and four 50-mile races. My kids have told me I should run at least one more, so I’m thinking of doing another 50-miler in the near future.

What is on your bucket list?
I would love to take a trip to Italy to visit extended family.

What is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
While in college, I sold spring break trips for a travel company. I received free trips as a reward for hitting certain marks. One place I visited that I loved was Mont Tremblant in Québec, Canada. The village we stayed in was like something you'd see in a movie. The snowboarding was amazing as well!

Expense Report Payments Transition to Direct Deposit April 1

Reminder! Effective April 1, all employee expense report payments will only be issued as direct deposits.

Why is this change happening? The decision to move completely to direct deposits was made to streamline our process, ensure faster and more secure payments, and reduce the environmental impact and administrative costs associated with paper checks. Direct deposit provides several benefits, including:

  • Faster access to funds - Your reimbursement will be automatically deposited into your account on the date paid.
  • Increased security - Direct deposit minimizes the risk of lost or stolen checks.
  • Convenience - No need to visit the bank or use your app to deposit a physical check.

Next steps for employees:

  • Ensure your direct deposit information is up to date. If you have not yet enrolled in direct deposit for expense reimbursements or need to update your banking details, please do so no later than March 31. If this is not updated by this date, you will receive an error when creating future expense reports that will prevent you from submitting the task.
  • Instructions are available in the Workday Canvas Community under “Add A Payment Election for Expense Reimbursements.”

Additional information about expense reimbursement reports can be found in Canvas under Expense Report FAQs.

Apply by March 31 for Bright Minds Classroom Grants

Reminder - Applications are due March 31!

The Bright Minds Foundation is pleased to offer classroom grants for HCPSS teachers and school-based staff interested in delivering educational projects focused on improving student achievement, engagement, and well-being during the 2025-2026 school year. Classroom grants will fund innovative instructional projects that serve to support student success, enrich teaching practices, strengthen school communities, and pilot important classroom projects. 

All school-based staff are eligible to apply for up to $2,000 in grant funds. Proposals should offer a new and/or creative approach to an identified student, classroom, or school need that will support student achievement, engagement, and well-being goals. Access additional information about this grant opportunity here, including the application packet and a list of required steps to complete the application process by the deadline of Monday, March 31 at 11:59 p.m.

Board of Education Adopts Requested FY 2026 Operating and Capital Budgets, and FY 2027-2031 Capital Improvement Program

The Howard County Board of Education adopted its Operating and Capital Budget Requests for the 2025-2026 school year (Fiscal Year 2026) during its meeting on March 4, 2025.

The Requested Operating Budget totals $1.257 billion, a 9.77% increase over the FY 2025 Operating Budget, and adds 250.3 new full-time employees. The Board also adopted the FY 2026 Capital Budget, totaling $100.64 million for costs associated with renovations/additions and a number of ongoing projects. 

The Board’s requested budgets now go to the County Executive for consideration. 

Full details are available online.


Educator Tenure Information Now Available in Workday

Teachers can now review their own tenure information within Workday. Details on how to view that information are available online and attached.

Additional information regarding educator tenure and tenure eligibility can be found in the Employee Credentialing, Certification and Licensure Canvas Community under Tenure Information.

Questions may be emailed to the Division of Human Resources’ Employee Credentialing Team at


Remain Vigilant to Protect Against Cyberattacks

All staff should be aware that there has been a recent increase in websites asking users to perform unknowingly malicious actions on their computers, such as using the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V). This tactic is known as pastejacking, where malicious code is copied to your clipboard without your knowledge when you copy text from a website. 

screenshot of pastejacking example

! Call to Action:

  • Should a website display an unexpected prompt to use the shortcut keys for copy and paste, do not follow the directions and contact Technology Support.
  • Alert Technology staff ( or 410.313.7004) should your computer or files suddenly behave abnormally, such as:
    • A website asking you to perform specific actions that are suspicious.
    • Unexpected notes appearing on your desktop or within folders.
    • Files once accessible become unreadable, icons change or display unfamiliar file extensions (typical example extensions include: .pdf, .png., .gif, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.).
  • If you suspect an email in your account to be a phishing attempt, forward it to and not interact with the email by clicking on links or downloading files. Once reported, delete any suspicious emails.
  • Learn how you can help support HCPSS’s cybersecurity efforts by accessing training resources and reading communications related to IT security efforts.
    • To access resources navigate to the Staff Hub and then clicking on the Services menu > KnowBe4 > Training

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the Technology Support at or 410.313.7004.

Transition to Direct Deposit for Expense Report Payments

Effective April 1, 2025, all employee expense report payments will only be issued as Direct Deposits. This means that the option to receive physical checks will no longer be available. If you have received a check payment for an employee expense report in the past, please continue to read for action steps below.

Why is this change happening? The decision was made to streamline our process, ensure faster and more secure payments, and reduce the environmental impact and administrative costs associated with paper checks.

Direct Deposit provides several benefits, including:

  • Faster access to funds: Your reimbursement will be automatically deposited into your account on the date paid.
  • Increased security: Direct Deposit minimizes the risk of lost or stolen checks.
  • Convenience: No need to visit the bank or use your app to deposit a physical check.

Next steps for employees:

  • Ensure your direct deposit information is up to date. If you have not yet enrolled in Direct Deposit for expense reimbursements or need to update your banking details, please do so no later than March 31, 2025. If this is not updated by this date, you will receive an error when creating future expense reports that will prevent you from submitting the task.
  • Resources. Please use the instructions located in Workday Community under “Add A Payment Election for Expense Reimbursements”.

Additional information about expense reimbursement reports can be found in Workday Community under Expense Report FAQs.