Jen Robinson is the HCPSS Community Superintendent for Area 2 schools.
Why did you choose to work in education?
During my senior year in high school, I worked with students with cognitive and physical disabilities as a student aide. I fell in love with the special education field of study and there was no turning back!
What is the best professional advice you've ever received?
I was always told by my parents that if you are invited to the table, be sure to speak up; otherwise there is no point in you being there. I definitely internalized that and have always kept that in mind in the different roles I have had throughout the years.
What is something you like a lot that would surprise people?
Getting up early. I love waking up no later than 5 a.m. to start my days! Even on weekends!
What is on your bucket list?
Going to Italy and Ireland … I truly look forward to traveling!
What is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
I really enjoyed the Carnaval de Quebec (Old Quebec City, Ontario, Canada)! French culture is unique, the brick paved streets lined with quaint shops and restaurants are beautiful, and the town is filled with fire pits, hockey rinks and street performers. There is also an ice hotel right outside of town that is such a unique experience!