Cybersecurity Awareness Month - KnowBe4 Platform Provides IT Security Resources

October is national Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to strengthen our digital safety knowledge and practices. We’d like to highlight our online platform KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources. KnowBe4 provides staff information on how to stay safe in the digital world in two ways:

  1. Emails from KnowBe4 containing short security hints and tips. In the coming weeks be on the lookout for emails from <> that will contain timely cybersecurity safety and security practices.
  2. Curated online library of resources and videos on cybersecurity topics. To access the platform visit the Staff Hub and from the Services menu select KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources link. Once on the site, select Library from the menu. Two resources have already been added by our IT Security team, including: Links and Attachments: Think Before You Click; and Safe Web Surfing Game.

Let's make cybersecurity a top priority and work together to keep our information secure. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the month.

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at