Important Security Reminder: USB Drive Safety

Using unknown USB drives poses a significant security risk, as they may contain malware or other malicious software. 

To safeguard our network and protect your data, please adhere to the following guidelines: 

  1. Avoid Connecting Unknown USB Drives: Refrain from plugging in any USB drive that you find or receive from an unknown or untrusted source. If a community member needs to share files with you, suggest they place the files in a secure online location, such as Google Drive, and use the sharing permissions to provide access. 
  2. Report Suspicious Drives: If you come across an unattended or suspicious USB drive, please follow your school’s regular lost and found procedures so that owners can potentially find their lost USB drive, and if not dispose of the drive. 

A new resource: USB Attacks: Small Devices, Big Threats, has been added to your KnowBe4 library. The resource can be accessed by navigating to the Staff Hub > Services > KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources > Library. 

By following these guidelines, we can collectively enhance the security of our systems and ensure a safe working environment. 

Please contact HCPSS Technology Support at if you require technical assistance.