Monday, February 10 - Synergy/HCPSS Connect Planned Maintenance - Planned maintenance has been scheduled for Monday, February 10 from 10 p.m. - 12 a.m. During this window there may be times users attempting to access the system will be presented with the Edupoint Maintenance message. Once the work is complete, users may continue to log in as usual.
Notification of Retirement and Resignation Incentive
Per Article 15.E. of the HCPSS/HCEA Master Agreement, "Any unit member who retires or resigns effective July 1 of any year and who files the necessary documents committing to such intent no later than March 1 of that year will receive termination pay matching the greater of the following two options:
- $500 or
- Pay equal to two percent (2%) of accumulated unused sick leave as of the date of retirement or resignation, up to a maximum of $1200.”
As such, certificated instructional staff (teachers, counselors, etc.) should complete the Intent to Retire form by March 1 in order to receive the additional pay listed above upon their retirement or resignation.
The HCPSS Intent to Retire form can be found on the Staff Hub > Services > Employee Resources > Retirement and requires Active Directory login.
Please note! This notification bonus is for certificated staff only and does not apply to non-certificated staff (paraeducators, secretaries, student assistants, custodians, etc.), or supervisory staff (principals, assistant principals, directors, coordinators, etc.).