Testing Your Cybersecurity Skills

HCPSS is committed to safeguarding our digital environment and ensuring the security of our data and communications. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our cybersecurity measures, we will be conducting a series of email skill tests in the coming weeks.

What to Expect: These tests will simulate phishing attempts to assess our collective ability to identify and respond to suspicious emails. Please note that these tests will be performed by our internal IT team and will not involve any actual threats to your accounts or sensitive information. 

Why We Are Doing This: Phishing attacks continue to evolve and pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations worldwide. By proactively assessing our email skills, we can better promote targeted resources to build understanding across our school system and prevent potential security risks.

What You Can Do:

  1. Be vigilant: Pay close attention to incoming emails, especially if they seem unusual or request sensitive information.
  2. Report suspicious emails: If you receive an email that you believe may be a phishing attempt, please report it using the “Report Message” button in your email client or forward the message to abuse@hcpss.org.
  3. Brush up your knowledge: Last week’s KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources are under the Library heading are still available to view and two new below resources have been added:
    • KnowBe4 Pretexting - "Tech Support" Social Engineering 
    • Micro-module - Introduction to Ransomware 

Your Participation Matters: We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to enhance our organization's cybersecurity. Should you fall victim to the phishing attack skills test, you will receive targeted resources and email reminders to review them.

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to abuse@hcpss.org, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at TechSupport@hcpss.org.