Protect your email by signing up to use Multi-Factor Authentication

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and HCPSS is increasing our resiliency in combating cybersecurity threats. In the coming weeks and months the Department of Information Technology will be implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) system-wide. MFA is a security measure that requires users to enter multiple sources of authentication before being granted access to their account. 

Some staff are currently enrolled in Microsoft Office 365 MFA. In order to increase functionality and the number of systems protected by MFA, HCPSS is sunsetting Microsoft MFA and implementing Duo MFA. Although enrollment in MFA is initially voluntary, enrollment will soon be mandatory. Staff are encouraged to get an early start on securing their account. 

! Call to Action ! 

Learn more about Duo MFA on the Technology Resources Canvas community and start using the new system today. During the process, staff who are currently using MFA via Microsoft Authenticator will be able to discontinue its use.

If after reviewing the resource you have any questions, contact Technology Support at (410) 313-7004 option 4 or