Notification of Retirement and Resignation Incentive

Per Article 15.E. of the HCPSS/HCEA Master Agreement, "Any unit member who retires or resigns effective July 1 of any year and who files the necessary documents committing to such intent no later than March 1 of that year will receive termination pay matching the greater of the following two options:

  1. $500 or
  2. Pay equal to two percent (2%) of accumulated unused sick leave as of the date of retirement or resignation, up to a maximum of $1200.”

As such, certificated instructional staff (teachers, counselors, etc.) should complete the Intent to Retire form by March 1 in order to receive the additional pay listed above upon their retirement or resignation.

The HCPSS Intent to Retire form can be found on the Staff Hub > Services > Employee Resources > Retirement and requires Active Directory login.

Please note! This notification bonus is for certificated staff only and does not apply to non-certificated staff (paraeducators, secretaries, student assistants, custodians, etc.), or supervisory staff (principals, assistant principals, directors, coordinators, etc.).