
Circular 32 - Policies 8020, 9280 & 10040


The attached circular provides the Board of Education adopted modifications for the following policies:

  • Policy 8020 - Grading and Reporting: Middle and High School, Implementation Procedures
  • Policy 9280 - School Use of Community or Reportable Offenses
  • Policy 10040 - Charter Schools

Circular 27 - Policy 4000 Grants; Policy 9000; Policy 9060; Policy 9500


The Board of Education has adopted modifications to the attached policies, which are:

  • Policy 4000 Grants
  • Policy 9000 - Student Residency, Eligibility, Enrollment, and Assignment
  • Policy 9060 - Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Compliance Section 504
  • Policy 9500 - Educating Student Sex Offenders