
Testing Your Cybersecurity Skills

HCPSS is committed to safeguarding our digital environment and ensuring the security of our data and communications. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our cybersecurity measures, we will be conducting a series of email skill tests in the coming weeks.

What to Expect: These tests will simulate phishing attempts to assess our collective ability to identify and respond to suspicious emails. Please note that these tests will be performed by our internal IT team and will not involve any actual threats to your accounts or sensitive information. 

Why We Are Doing This: Phishing attacks continue to evolve and pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations worldwide. By proactively assessing our email skills, we can better promote targeted resources to build understanding across our school system and prevent potential security risks.

What You Can Do:

  1. Be vigilant: Pay close attention to incoming emails, especially if they seem unusual or request sensitive information.
  2. Report suspicious emails: If you receive an email that you believe may be a phishing attempt, please report it using the “Report Message” button in your email client or forward the message to
  3. Brush up your knowledge: Last week’s KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources are under the Library heading are still available to view and two new below resources have been added:
    • KnowBe4 Pretexting - "Tech Support" Social Engineering 
    • Micro-module - Introduction to Ransomware 

Your Participation Matters: We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to enhance our organization's cybersecurity. Should you fall victim to the phishing attack skills test, you will receive targeted resources and email reminders to review them.

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at

New Online Platform Provides IT Security Resources

October marks the start of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to enhance our digital safety knowledge and practices. To start off the month, we are launching a new online platform for staff called KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources. KnowBe4 provides staff information on how to stay safe in the digital world in two ways: 

  1. Emails from KnowBe4 containing short security hints and tips. In the coming weeks be on the lookout for emails from <> that will contain timely cybersecurity safety and security practices. 
  2. Curated online library of resources and videos on cybersecurity topics. To access the platform visit the Staff Hub and from the Services menu select KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Resources link. Once on the site, select Library from the menu. Two resources have already been added by our IT Security team, including: 
    • Security Culture and You 
    • Eight Ways to Strengthen and Secure Your Passwords Today! 
HCPSS KnowBe4 menu with Library selected.

Let's make cybersecurity a top priority and work together to keep our information secure. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the month. 

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at

Update your Apple technology today!

The Department of Information Technology (IT) is committed to creating a safer IT environment. To that end, users of Apple products should be aware of an advisory that was published related to vulnerabilities in Apple operating systems.   

Warning! If you use Apple products, including any of the following iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple Watch or an Apple computer, it is important that you run operating system updates. Users can find directions to update iOS (iPhones, iPad, and iPod Touches) on the Technology Support Canvas community.  

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is needed, contact the Technology Support at

Phasing out school-based network home directory, campus, and hand-in/out folders

The Information Technology Department is continuing to modernize its file storage approach by relocating school-based files to a file hosting service operated by Microsoft (O365 OneDrive).  This includes the home directory, campus, and hand-in/out folders for both staff and students.    

Note:  The below information is for anyone with a requirement to retain files contained in their Homedir$ (Z: drive), Campus$ (W: drive), Hand-in$ (T: drive), or Hand-out$ (P: drive) folders.  If you do not have files or wish to keep any files stored in these folders, you do not need to do anything.    

! Call to Action:  Staff who have files saved to these locations that they wish to retain -  

Prior to Sept. 30, 2023, staff should notify Tech Support at, or 410.313.7004, and request that a ticket be entered (Server Administration > Network Directory/Folder Access) for the Technology Department migrate the files to O365 OneDrive.  

*All migration requests must include the person’s name, username and building location. 

Once the migration is complete, staff will be able to access their files by selecting Office 365 from the Staff Hub and then One Drive from the waffle menu in the top left corner. Learn about OneDrive on the Technology Resources Canvas community. 

If after reviewing this information and the linked resources, you have any questions contact Tech Support at or 410.313.7004.  


Reminder: Beware of phishing attacks!

! WARNING: To trick people into responding, scammers sometimes use publicly available information to send emails. As always, staff should maintain a heightened state of awareness and caution when receiving email messages containing hyperlinks, including QR codes, ask for confidential information, and/or provide ways for you to reset your password.

Below is an example of a common phishing emails using this trick. Notice the scammer uses the name of an HCPSS principal but the email is coming from an external email system, After establishing contact, the sender will ask the person to buy gift cards or provide other confidential information. 

From: Antoinette Roberson <robersonantoinette437 @ >

Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2023 8:21 AM

To: Nick Vissari

Subject: [External] Follow up ASAP

! CAUTION: This email originated from outside of HCPSS. Do not click links or open attachments, unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Is it appropriate to text talk at this time. What is the quickest way to reach you via phone?


Learn how to sign-up for Multi-factor Authentication today to protect your account. Learn more about phishing attacks on the Technology Support Canvas community. 

Employees are encouraged to forward any suspected phishing emails to, and then delete the email. If assistance is still needed, contact the Technology Support at

Update - Mandatory Enrollment in MFA

Multi-Factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires users to enter multiple sources of authentication before being granted access to their account. Beginning last school year, HCPSS has been actively implementing MFA across the district. Staff are receiving messages notifying them of mandatory MFA enrollment when they login.

While staff who were not already enrolled were provided additional time to due to summer break, staff currently not enrolled in MFA will begin to see the number of days left to enroll shrink to zero in the coming weeks. Once the timeline runs out, staff will not be able to log in to systems until they enroll. Staff are encouraged to use the instructions to self enroll prior to their window closing. 

Direct questions to

Employee Annual Salary Information Available in Workday

The 2023-2024 salary and step information is now available for employee review. Please use the attached Workday instructions to generate and review the “Compensation Review” report with your compensation information.  Contact the Office of Human Resources at with questions.

*NOTE: Leave balances may be accessed by viewing Time Off in Workday. This information reflects leave balances for the 2023-2024 school year.


Danielson Framework for Teaching Updates

The Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching (FFT) has been updated by the Danielson Group and better reflects the values and commitments prioritized in the HCPSS Strategic Call to Action and the HCPSS Equity Framework. Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, HCPSS will use the updated FFT as the foundation for teacher evaluation and conversations about teaching and learning.

HCPSS will provide school-based learning sessions in every building during the 2023 August in-service week, and the content will be embedded in curriculum sessions during Professional Learning Days. There additionally will be optional school-based and systemic professional learning opportunities throughout the year. 

What’s the same: 

  • Organization and structure (Four Domains, 22 Components, Rubrics describing levels of Performance) 
  • Evaluation models and processes

What Has Changed? 

  • The language used to describe teaching and learning shifts at the domain, component and element level. 

HCPSS, HCEA and HCASA support these changes as it better uplifts and clarifies racial equity, social and emotional learning, sense of belonging for all students, and culturally responsive pedagogy. 

Employees who wish to review the FFT updates prior to August in-service can learn more on the Danielson Framework for Teaching Canvas page, part of the HCPSS Employee Evaluation Canvas community.

HCPSS News: Howard County SMOB Named Maryland State Student Member

Maryland Governor Wes Moore on June 14, 2023, named Wilde Lake High School student Abisola Ayoola as the 2023-2024 Maryland State Student Member of the Board of Education (SMOB). Ayoola was selected as a finalist in November during the Maryland Association of Student Councils annual Legislative Session attended by over 300 student leaders from across the state.

Abisola Ayoola

Ayoola served as the Howard County Board of Education SMOB during the 2022-2023 school year, during which time she amplified student voice between the thousands of students in the school system and school system leaders. She will be a senior during the 2023-2024 school year and is active in her school where she is a part of several clubs, including student government, class council, Rise Up mentorship, and Active Minds, which supports student mental health. She additionally is a member of the Spanish Honor Society and the National Honor Society.

Full Release: Howard County’s Abisola Ayoola Named Maryland State Student Member of the Board